Non-GMO soya product categories across key applications.
Soy products are used for various functional properties, like water and fat absorption, emulsification, aeration (whipping), and heat setting, and for increasing the total protein content of food products.
Soy products are used for various functional properties, like water and fat absorption, emulsification, aeration (whipping), and heat setting, and for increasing the total protein content of food products.
Soyabean contains essential amino acids and secondary metabolites such as isoflavone, saponins, phytic acids, phytosterols, trypsin inhibitors, and peptides.
Soybean meal has a high protein content, especially when compared to other plant protein sources. Soybean meal also has an excellent amino acid profile that complements that of corn, the primary energy source in poultry diets.
Soyabean oil fatty acid is high in lodine number. It is widely used in coating industry as a baked finish, polyurethane paint, etc. used in paint industry, lubricating grease, emulsifying agent, cosmetic, detergent, rubber, etc.